DBAs, Trademarks & Other Tools To Help You Protect Your Business

In this post we will be addressing how to protect your business name and whether filing for a DBA, registering a trademark or copyright, creating a URL, filing

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When Does a Descriptive Mark Supplemental Registration Improve Branding?

Everyone in business understands how important branding is for the success of your company. Originally, branding meant a way to tell one person’s cattle from another’s.   Nowadays, a

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How to Protect Your Business Intellectual Property [Infographic]

Protect Business Intellectual Property when you start your business and as you are growing your business! Learn about DBAs, patents, trademarks, copyrights and more in our business intellectual

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Employment Agreement

An employment agreement is a formal contract between an employer and an employee which defines the conditions of employment. This agreement usually will specify  major employment details and

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The Best Organizational Structure for Your Growing Business

Managing the people side of a growing business is often just as difficult as managing operational challenges. From finding top talent to establishing and building a company culture,

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Getting a Patent: Outline of a Patent Application

If you are considering getting a patent, you should be familiar with the items that must be included in a patent application. Below is a detailed outline of

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What is a Trademark? Trademark Definitions & Considerations

What is a trademark? The legal definition of a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods and services.   Most

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Copyright Law Explained

A copyright protects the particular ways by which people express themselves.  In simple terms, copyright laws gives an owner the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or

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Do You Need a Design Patent?

You’ve got the (novel and non-obvious?) look! Design patent woes at Samsung In the recent Apple-Samsung case, the jury found that Samsung infringed six of Apple’s patents. While

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What is a Trade Secret and How is it Protected?

Proprietary information such as customer lists and recipes are intellectual property. However they are not formally protected in the same way as are trademarks, copyrights or patents. These

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