Business Capital Structure

Business debt and equity are central to the operations of any company. The amount of debt and equity a business carries has a major impact on how the

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Sole Proprietorship vs LLC

Understanding the differences between a sole proprietorship and an LLC (Limited Liability Company) is essential for any business owner – but especially important for a business owner trying

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LLC vs S Corp

Your business’s corporate structure will significantly impact a number of issues – including exposure to liability, financing and growth, the number of shareholders, the rate and manner in

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Effective Annual Rate

The effective annual rate – also called the effective interest rate, the effective rate, or the annual equivalent rate – describes the amount of interest paid or earned

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Lifestyle Business

A lifestyle business is created and typically operated by its founder to serve the purpose of sustaining a particular level of income, and no more. Often founded by

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Employment Agreement

An employment agreement is a formal contract between an employer and an employee which defines the conditions of employment. This agreement usually will specify  major employment details and

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Buy-Sell Agreement Definition

A buy-sell agreement is a legally-binding agreement between two co-owners that governs any situation in which one co-owner dies, chooses to leave the business, is incapacitated, faces divorce,

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Articles of Incorporation

When starting a new business, there are a few steps you’ll need to take in order to officially incorporate the business within its state. Usually the first step

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What Types of Business Entities Can an LLC Own?

Business owners generally want to protect their personal assets from claims, lawsuits and certain other business liabilities associated with their business. That’s why when a serial entrepreneur adds

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What is a Trademark? Trademark Definitions & Considerations

What is a trademark? The legal definition of a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods and services.   Most

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